Recently, H-Sense had the honor to be approached by a fresh-minded enthusiast in multiple disciplines, technology and writing among them. We introduce Dino Bojadzievski, Development Analyst in Radix Technologies and a passionate copywriter. Dino has written copies for many websites, and ours is one on that list.
He is both a software and sound engineer, currently involved with a cloud computing company where he inputs his skills and
creativity. If he is not stuck in front of his computer with another hacking adventure, then he is probably passionately
gyming, enjoying sound production, or living the life of a classical art lover.
We met Dino at the Worldwide WOWZAPP Hackathon for Windows in 2012, which is about the time H-Sense was created, and ever
since he has shown great interest in H-Sense and contributed with bringing ideas about improvements in our work. This
culminated with our first more official collaboration, writing the new copy of our website, which we are sure you will love.
We would like to thank Dino for his involvement and support towards H-Sense since our very beginnings, and we hope to only
deepen our friendship. If you’d like to talk to him, drop him a message at his blog: